This tutorial will cover the steps necessary to create Photo Strips from Page Designer. If you have not previously done so, please familiarize yourself with creating a basic page design HERE. Otherwise follow along here to create a Photo Strip!
Page Designer - Photo Booth Upload from LA Photo Party - Products on Vimeo.
Launch Photo Booth Upload and Press S on the keyboard to open the Settings.
Navigate to the Page Designer tab and click the Create New Page Layout button.
Name the Page Layout and import any desired backgrounds (JPEG) or overlays (PNG) by clicking the Browse buttons. We find it's easier to only use an overlay file with the photo holes cut out of the overlay. This makes sizing the photo holders much more forgiving.
Your graphics should be designed for a single, 2x6 strip, which is typically a 600x1800 pixel file. Feel free to use the templates in this folder to get started:
The 4x6 images in that folder are intended to be used as green screen backgrounds, and should not be imported into your page layout.
After importing a 2x6 file, you'll see that the graphics are skewed. This is normal and will be fixed in the next steps.
Under Page Size, leave it at the default 4x6.
Check the checkbox below that says Create photo strip. Once selected, you'll see the graphics look normal again. The Nr Strips counter can be used to add more strips, but it's usually left at the default 2.
Add photo holders to the layout by clicking the + button near the bottom right corner of the screen. A window will pop up allowing you to change the aspect ratio of the photo holder, the green screen background of the photo holder, and whether you want the photo holder to stretch, crop, or center your photo. You can also add a message to display prior to each photo. The default values are usually fine, so hit OK to save it.
Position the photo holder by clicking and dragging the red area on the holder and moving it around the layout. Resize the photo holder by clicking and dragging the green dot to the left or right, and rotate it by moving the dot up and down. You can use keyboard shortcuts Z and X to rotate, N and M to resize, and the arrow keys to position.
Pro tip: If your photo holders are all going to be the same size, place and size the first photo holder, then right click the first photo holder number in the Photo Holders list on the bottom right and select Copy. Your photo holder position, size, and rotation will be duplicated perfectly, and you'll only need to position the new holder in the layout.
One you've set up your Page Design to your liking, click OK to navigate back to the page design tab. Choose Auto Apply or User Select to determine how the Page Design will be chosen, then press the grey Select button on the thumbnail of the photo strip you've just created. If you would like to then print photo strips, select Printer Settings in your Page Design to configure your printer for your specific layout, then follow along below:
Printing photo strips for various printer models are shown below, after you press 'Configure':
Sinfonia CS2 (CHC-S6145) Setup:

DNP DS40/DS620A Setup: