Here we will review the Advanced tab of PPU Kiosk for Windows.  Follow along to see the features and options available to you.

Windows - Advanced


Hide Cursor: This will hide the cursor during use. The cursor will reappear when accessing the settings screen.

Enable share screen timeout: If enabled, the share screen will close, media will be deselected, and Kiosk will return to the library after a determined amount of time.

Enable Delete photos: If enabled, you have the ability to delete photos from PPU Kiosk. A password must be added here and applied when deleting photos. To delete photos, select the ones you want to delete, then long press on the Clear Queue button.

Skip survey on disclaimer opt-out: Allow your guests the ability to skip an applied survey if they opt out of the disclaimer.

Enable Age Gate: When enabled, the option to adjust Minimum age and Print only will be presented. When a guest attempts to finish selecting their photos, they will be prompted to input their birth date. If they are below the set age, they will be prompted to speak with an attendant. Print Only can be enabled to allow guests below the minimum age to receive a print.

Disable Windows keyboard: This will disable the windows keyboard from being used and may improve Kiosk performance.

Show alert when selecting DONE in share screen: After sharing your media, when you select Done you will be asked if you are sure you want to clear the selected photos.

Do not ask for email message: This will remove the ability to include a message when using the email sharing option.

Custom "Select Photos" Message: Customize the text at the top of the main kiosk screen.  When the field is empty, it will default to say: Select Your Photos Then Click Here.

Scroll Speed: Adjust the scrolling speed when scrolling through the library.

You're now familiar with the Advance tab found on Windows Kiosk!